• Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard

    Welcome to the House of Wines and Tourism of the Fronton Vineyard


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    Sorry, this entry is only available in French. En voir +
    Sorry, this entry is only available in French. En voir +
    Sorry, this entry is only available in French. En voir +

    Wine makers’ portraits

    Marc Penavayre,

    Château Plaisance

    It’s not the man who gets under the skin of the Négrette, it’s the Négrette which gets under the man’s skin… The Négrette definitely got under his…. it was in Vacquiers, as he remembers…

    It’s here in this countryside port, above the Toulouse plain, that for the past 20 years Marc Penavayre has been getting the earth to speak for itself. It speaks Organic, it speaks Occitan, it speaks “Terroir”….. and the songs ends : “the Château Plaisance is the place for me !”

    Recipe suggestion

    (Français) Tartare d’huitres et de St-Jacques

     Préparation: 1 heure
     Cuisson: 20 minutes

    Wine of the month

    (Français) Château des Peyraux – La Petite Négrette 2019

    La Petite Négrette 2019

    Sorry, this entry is only available in French.